DAOfood – Dietary Management of DAO Deficiency – 60 Capsules with Gastro-Resistant pellets

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Product Description

Product Description

DR Healthcare is a company with 12 years of trajectory in Medical Nutrition leading in manufacturing, innovation, research and development of Diamine Oxidase (DAO) enzyme for the dietary management of the DAO deficiency and its associated pathologies.

Daofood diamine oxidase DAO plus deficit irritable bowel enzyme dermatitis diarrhea muscle pain

Daofood DIAMINE oxidase DAO plus deficit irritable bowel enzyme dermatitis diarrhea muscle pain

With the innovative EFICAPS technology

Its innovative EFICAPS technology ensures optimum dietary management efficiency by allowing the availability of ingredients at times and places of maximum activity. Each capsule contains four pellets:

  • Two white/beige color gastro-resistant pellets with enzyme DAO with controlled release in the intestine.
  • A pellet of orange color of immediate release with vitamin C which acts as an adjuvant.
  • A pellet of yellow color with quercetin of immediate release that acts as an adjuvant.

What is DAOfood Plus?

Innovation in Medical Nutrition

DAOfood Plus is a Food for Special Medical Purposes which is used in the dietary management of the DAO deficiency when the predominant symptoms are gastrointestinal, cutaneousn and muscle.

  • Safety and efficacy based on scientific and clinical evidence.
  • With the DR Healthcare patient care service.
  • It includes adjuvant ingredients, such as vitamin C and quercetin, which increase its effectiveness.
  • It is suitable for diabetics, celiacs and / or people with food intolerance. It does not contain allergens, gluten, lactose or histamine.
  • Quercetin is a known flavonoid with antihistamine properties. Vitamin C strengthens the antihistamine effects of DAO and Quercetin.

Daofood DIAMINE oxidase DAO plus deficit irritable bowel enzyme dermatitis diarrhea muscle pain

How to use DAOfood Plus?

Take 1 capsule with a little water 20 minutes before meals (3 times a day). If you cannot swallow the capsule whole, you can open it and eat the pellets inside separately, having to swallow them whole without chewing, split or break.

(*) The use of quercetin or vitamin C is optional, so you can open the capsule and remove the yellow pellet and / or the orange pellet respectively. Its withdrawal does not compromise the effectiveness of the dietary management being adjuvant ingredients.

Mode of action of DAOfood Plus

Daofood DIAMINE oxidase DAO plus deficit irritable bowel enzyme dermatitis diarrhea muscle pain

Daofood DIAMINE oxidase DAO plus deficit irritable bowel enzyme dermatitis diarrhea muscle pain

Daofood DIAMINE oxidase DAO plus deficit irritable bowel enzyme dermatitis diarrhea muscle pain

Histamine’s function and metabolism

Histamine is a molecule that is present in all foods of the daily diet, also occurring endogenously in the body, and is the mediating of many biological processes such as inflammation, allergies, the secretion of gastric acid, neuromodulation and regulation of immune function.

Under normal conditions, the histamine swallowed is degraded by the enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO) in the small intestine.

The Problem

If the metabolic activity of the enzyme DAO is reduced (due to genetic, pharmacological and/or pathological factors), histamine swallowed cannot be degraded and passes through the intestinal mucosa to the bloodstream causing the appearance of gastrointestinal, cutaneous, neurological and muscle symptoms associated with the DAO deficiency, as colon or irritable bowel syndrome, dermatitis, dry skin, atopy, contracture, muscle pain, migraine and headache.

The Solution

DAOfood Plus provides the intake of exogenous DAO necessary in order to restore the metabolism of histamine,. The 67% of cases of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and also the 87% of migraine cases are caused by DAO deficiency, so that a correct DAO complementation allows dietary management of its symptoms.

histamine, dao enzyme, daofood

DR Healthcare – We serve you

We will attend you in a personalized and fast way to ensure the optimum effectiveness in your treatment and your maximum well-being.

Daofood DIAMINE oxidase DAO plus deficit irritable bowel enzyme dermatitis diarrhea muscle pain

DAO deficiency – a Metabolic Disorder

What is DAO deficiency?

The DAO deficiency is a disorder in the metabolism of histamine that occurs in individuals who are genetically predisposed, causing a reduced activity of the enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO) that prevents degradation of swallowed histamine, turning it into the bloodstream causing the onset of symptoms.

Which is the origin of DAO deficiency?

The Deficit of DAO can also have a pharmacological origin and is also common in people with inflammatory bowel diseases. Therefore DAO deficiency is trigger by genetic, pharmacological and pathological factors.

How is DAO deficiency diagnosed?

It is diagnosed through a genetic study of DAO activity or an analysis of DAO activity in blood.

Symptoms arising from DAO deficiency:

  • Migraine and other headaches.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Constipation, diarrhea, satiety, flatulence and bloating.
  • Dermatological disorders such as dry skin, atopic skin and dermatitis.
  • Fibromyalgia, mucle pain and contracture.
  • Chronic fatigue.

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